남북 24시간 소통시대, 남북관계 개선 북미 지렛대 되나 - 고명현 박사 대담
To help us better understand the importance and significance of this liaison office, we have with us Dr. Go Myong-hyun from the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. Thank you for taking the time to come in today.
Thanks for having me.
1 - After some delay, the joint liaison office is opening on Friday. Can you explain to our viewers what this office is, and what role it's expected to play for the two Koreas?
2 - How important is having something like this? Has there been anything like it before?
2a - Establishing the joint liaison office was something that was agreed during the first Moon-Kim summit back in April, but there have been delays and issues. There were concerns about whether it would violate international sanctions on North Korea, and the U.S. has been reluctant to let it happen. But they must have given the greenlight for it to go ahead. They would not have been able to go ahead with it without Washington's blessing, right?
3 - Working-level military talks also took place on Thursday. What's interesting is that it was the North who requested the meeting, which is quite rare. Does this suggest that there will be more focus on military issues when President Moon meets with Kim for their third summit next week?
4 - Economic exchange is also set to be a major topic at this next summit. There have been reports that about a dozen top business leaders from major South Korean conglomerates, such as Samsung, Hyundai Motors and SK will be accompanying President Moon to Pyeongyang. What message do you think this would send?
5 - There are hopes that success at next week's inter-Korean summit could pave the way towards a North Korea-U.S. summit. Do you see it that way too?
6 - Russian President Vladimir Putin weighed in with his thoughts towards North Korea on Wednesday as well. He implied that in order for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons, it is not just the U.S. that needs to offer regime security but the whole world. What do you think is behind his comments?
7 - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also commented on Wednesday, reaffirming his desire to meet with Kim Jong-un and hold a summit. What does Tokyo want to gain out of this new atmosphere with North Korea?